Featured Artist: T. Mikey

Fear the Future and Hope - Complete Tryptic - UV lights
Fear the Future and Hope – Complete Tryptic – UV lights

Written for Agora Gallery 2007 Winter Newsletter
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Fantastical, cutting and distinct are the three words that best sum up the works of T. Mikey. Several of his creations were recently featured in Agora Gallery’s Pixel Perfect: The Digital Fine Art Exhibition . But his genius and phantasmagorical imagination extend beyond the domain of the digital. T. Mikey’s imagination took root in the world of comic-book style line-drawing and his artistic wizardry matured into hyper-realist 21 st century surrealism. He masterfully captures the figure and the mindscape and manufactures beauty and meaning through illusion using an array of techniques from pencil portraiture, figure illustration, murals, photographic canvas manipulation, collage and 3D rendering.