Keith and Sheila’s 1st Anniversary

Keith and his new painting 'The Mantis Shrimp Mermaid"
Keith and his new painting ‘The Mantis Shrimp Mermaid”

I met Keith and his, soon to be, wife Sheila in 2009 in Michigan, about a month ago Sheila commented on some photos I had posted on Facebook and we got to talking about the gift she thought would be prefect for Keith and their 1st Anniversary.

Apparently the gift was well received 🙂

Keith’s response as posted on Facebook:

“Sheila found the world’s perfect 1 year surprise anniversary gift – this very cool work of art by one-of-a-kind uber-talented NYC artist T. Mikey. Featuring mermaids to boot! (since we have some in our lake). We met T. Mikey a couple years ago when his very cool 3d glass paintings were at ArtPrize, and at times we hung out and traded insights on the differences between West Michigan and New York City (we found a couple). T.Mikey’s compelling pieces are loaded with twists and hidden “thought provoker” detail, and if looking into one of them doesn’t engulf you and make your creative wheels turn nothing will! Thanks Sheila (and T Mikey!)(and Live Statue for originally introducing us)!”

Happy Anniversary guys 🙂

Mantis Shrimp Mermaid
Mantis Shrimp Mermaid

Updated comment from Kieth:

“Take a look at the open treasure chest underneath the mermaid, which says “All I Need” on the side. What does this mean to you? The answer – which I suspect varies from person to person – gives a little glimpse into the observer’s mind and heart!”

How right you are…