Queens Museum of Art

Published in ARTisSpectrum (Vol. 18)
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Alice in Mikeyland 3DUV
Alice in Mikeyland 3DUV

In the blink of an eye you might miss one of these lightning fast
installations by exciting contemporary artist T. Mikey.
3DUV, an acronym for “Three Dimensional Ultraviolet”, is a
unique and compelling art form of the artist’s original design utilizing
a multi-planar approach to image making in order to create
a highly convincing photo realistic illusion of three-dimensional
space and form. Hand painted in phosphorescent materials the
entire image is self-illuminating in neon colors when lit by the
invisibly installed ultraviolet lighting concealed in its stunningly
constructed light box style frame. A masterful execution of scale
as these 8 foot panoramas encompass your peripheral vision in an
electric dreamscape of curiosity that you feel like you could reach
out and touch.

Kinetic in nature the image seems to watch you as you pass instantly
transporting your imagination to the world T. Mikey would
deliver you to. In this display, violins bow a soothing melody as
he brings us not only to the Moon, but also to Wonderland itself.
“Picnic on the Moon” 2007, and “Alice in Mikeyland” 2007,
are modern day surrealistic wonders, offering a level of hyper
detail and near limitless nuance that are sure to keep your eyes
and your mind dazzled as you discover something new each and
every time you look at it.

The pieces then vanish as quickly as they appear, as they are
packed off to their next destination in a beautiful flash of installation.
To experience this work is as haunting long after you leave,
as it is hypnotic in person.

Picnic on the Moon 3DUV
Picnic on the Moon 3DUV